What to Look for in a High Quality Limo Service


If you are not a celebrity or a high powered entrepreneur, it is not everyday you need a limo service, which is why you may not know what to looking for when searching for the right company to meet the personal needs of your event. For those currently browsing the internet for good quality companies, it is likely you have been inundated with a vast amount of options, which makes it difficult for you to determine which one is the right one for you. We strongly recommend that you take the time to understand what it is you should be looking for, and to plan accordingly ahead of time to ensure you find the right company to meet your expectations. In this article, we are going to discuss key factors to focus on when selecting the right limo service.

You need to know how much professional experience the company has had in the past working in the limo service orange county industry.  Most people recommend that you do not go with a company unless it has been in business for at least a year. However, if the drivers and the owners have prior experience working with other service companies, you may find exactly what you are looking for. Just make sure to ask the right questions when you are talking to the company to find out how much they know how but the industry.

The next critical factor, that most overlook, is insurance. You need to ensure the company has properly ensured the fleet of vehicles they own. This is to make sure that all passengers in the limo are fully protected in the event you are faced with an auto accident. Please note that a town car should have at least $750,000 in insurance coverage, and any car that exceeds 8 passengers should have $1.5 million in coverage.

Before you agree to go with one orange county limo service company over another, many suggest you inspect the fleet of vehicles offered by the company ahead of time. You want to make sure you know what you are paying for, so that you are not surprised the day the car arrives for your event. Typically all the cars will be listed on the company's website, but it would be better to go see the cars in person. Most companies will allow this, just set up a time to see what type of vehicle they will be offering you!